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Ask an Entrepreneur: Who Is Your Tribe?

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

As a business owner, you may have inspired ideas and plans, but without the right people around you, you won't succeed. For this reason, one of the important questions to ask as an entrepreneur is, “Who is your tribe?”

Whether it’s family, community, or a group of like-minded professionals, your tribe should reflect your values while satisfying your need for mutual support. In this post, we will help you identify who your tribe is in the realm of business and entrepreneurship.

Your “tribe” can simply be described as your people or a group of individuals you gel with. This group may involve family, loved ones, friends from your workplace, or acquaintances from other interests. They are people you easily connect with and sometimes don't expect to.

You may not find your tribe as soon as you want to, but you have a thorough search process to look forward to. You may also find yourself in more than one tribe depending on your various roles in life. However, before you can find your tribe (or tribes), you need to understand yourself first.

What Is an Entrepreneur's Tribe, and Why Is It Important for Success?

This is one of the best questions to ask an entrepreneur in need of community. There are two major types of tribes that entrepreneurs should know about. The first is the community within your business, which includes your team and company. These are the groups that support you and the vision of your company.

The second type of tribe comes from the community of like-minded people who surround you. Here, you will look for other entrepreneurs on a similar journey who can remind you of where you came from and reasons to continue. When you are overflowing with joy about meeting a business goal, these are the ones who surround you.

A tribe may start small, giving and receiving help and providing support. While getting the help you need, you can also feel satisfied helping another person build their dream career. Besides, nothing is as comforting as having an extra set of eyes and hands on your sales to ensure you make a big launch.

The next question you’ll probably ask is, “How do I find my tribe at work?” Finding your tribe requires authenticity, effort, and confidence. It requires you to:

  • Identify Your Niche: To find your tribe, it may help to first identify your niche. Your niche should include your interests, problems you can solve, your competition, and much more. Use your niche to decide which of the people you work with are most compatible with you.

  • Know When to Connect: Notice when you are uncomfortable and when you feel supported on your journey. If something isn't clicking, even after you’ve given it your best, find your tribe somewhere else.

How to Connect With Your Tribe

It’s not surprising that this is one of the best questions to ask entrepreneurs (it’s also one that many entrepreneurs struggle to answer themselves); Finding ways to connect with your tribe maximizes the benefits of being part of such a community. After all, what’s the point in surrounding yourself with like-minded people if you don’t collaborate or communicate? Some strategies for finding and truly reaching like-minded people include:

1. Defining Your Values and Crafting a Message to Attract Your Tribe

Building a strong tribe is based on having clear values and crafting good content that will help you connect with the right people. Make sure you own a vision that aligns with the values and needs of the people you want in your tribe. People are usually attracted to a brand with a purpose, so you do not want to be left without a clan that can stand behind your principles.

2. Cultivating Relationships With Your Potential Tribe Members

Your tribe members can be anyone around you, and you won’t be able to tell who until you make deliberate efforts to connect with them. If you have joined social clubs, attended events, or made a move to greet a stranger at the corner, make further steps to connect.

When searching for your tribe, you need to be confident about your decisions and ask for a connection. Go as far as setting a date or planning an event to create lasting connections and expand your tribe.

Connect with people who share your core values but also challenge your perspective and help you learn something new.

3. Leveraging Technology to Expand Your Reach

People are worried that advanced technology may have a dehumanizing effect, but the reality is quite the opposite. Nowadays, you are no longer constrained by physical boundaries since you can connect in a personal way with people of similar interests online.

Social media platforms are available to help you post or send messages that attract the right people. In fact, 79% of internet users use social media platforms to create better connections with their friends and loved ones.

In the same vein, most people have met life-long friends and, of course, their tribe through the beauty of social media. It starts with defining who you are and what you do, then taking the right steps to reach out to those with similar interests. Chances are that one or more of them may just be the ideal tribe members you’ve been searching for.

4. Joining Entrepreneur Networks

An entrepreneur network is an organization that embodies entrepreneurs and business leaders in a specific sector or group of industries. One of the leading entrepreneur networks in Massachusetts is EO Boston.

Unlike similar organizations, EO Boston hosts experts and entrepreneurs in all industries and at different levels, providing the ideal environment for you to meet anyone you need.

To enhance communication and networking, EO Boston organizes many events and programs where you can meet your potential tribe members. However, EO Boston membership is limited to businesses that have hit the $1 million revenue mark.

If you’ve generated up to $250K, you can join the EO Boston Accelerator Program to nurture your business and prep you for better results. Click this link to join EO Boston.


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